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5 Things I Value Most
My Relationship with God
My relationship with my husband and children
Family and Friends
My books ;)
My iPad and Phone
5 Things I Like About Myself
creative ability
3 Things That I Would Like to Change About Myself Are
unhealithy habits
temper (short fuse)
My time management skills (I can never seem to get enough stuff done in a day
My negative attitude toward people who have wronged me in the past. I wish I could just forgive and forget
My Best Trait ability to listen to when others need a ear
3 People Who Have Had A Positive Impact on my Life Are...

Mrs. Sharon Urioste: My high school English teacher and my mentor during my first two years of teaching
Bob Brothers: My father's best friend, he lead me to salvation through Christ when I was 9 years old
My mother and father: They were always there when I needed them and supported me in everything I've ever tried.
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